October 5, 2010

me and bazaar : J Town Creative Junction

Last weekend, I have been invited to join Kamar  in
this monthly bazaar inside a mall called J Town Creative
Junction. We have been really lucky to be placed next
to this awesome shop by these two guys that made bow
ties and scarfs from stripes and batik fabrics!
I have also sold one original with coffee cup as the main
visual, having an awesome collaboration with Cecilia
and of course having a workshop last Sunday together
with my friends. Sure love bazaar like this!

Akhir pekan lalu saya diundang Kamar untuk ikut
J Town Creative Junction di Gandaria City.
Saya beruntung sekali karena lokasi stand kami
bersebrangan dengan Rocinc, dua cowok seru dan
kreatif yang membuat dasi kupu kupu, scarf dan
kaos garis-garis. Di meja mereka juga penuh dengan
mainan kaleng, barang-barang vintage dan topi-topi
keren! Saya sempat berkolaborasi dengan Cecilia
juga menjual sebuah karya original saya selama acara
ini. Workshop di hari terakhir pun tak ketinggalan
tentunya! Yay! Terimakasih banyak, Kamar!


I. Widiastuti said...

oh baju garis-garis :ngiler:

ch said...

i had tons of fun! Terimakasih Ikaaa :D

KristiMcMurry said...

I love the Make Collage Not War collage :) Very nice!

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