October 4, 2010

me and exhibition: The Napkin Boys!

I have been really really lucky to be able to catch
this exhibition as a part of Q Film Festival this year.
Not only because I never thought I will finally able
to see a papercut art in person but this one is such
an amazingly cool solo exhibition too! The artist,
Carlos Franklin, made like 25 pieces of papercut
in a variety of colours featuring all the boys that 
I think he met in his life. Ain't that just awesome?

Saya sangat beruntung karena sempat melihat
pameran papercut Carlos Franklin di Jakarta
sebagai bagian dari Q Film Festival tahun ini.
Tidak hanya karena saya selalu penasaran
dengan yang namanya papercut tapi pameran ini
juga sangat teramatlah menakjubkan bagusnya!

1 comment:

Kelly Miller said...

Pretty awesome indeed :)

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