October 9, 2010

me and mecca : things that they sell on the street

These pictures are from my last year trip to Mecca
but I still keep some of them in my camera apparently
and excitedly share them here to remind me how
colorful those stuff they are selling and how actually
some of them are pretty much ordinary stuffs even
in Jakarta or Indonesian's street. Sure love to go back
there someday:)

Ini foto-foto dari perjalanan ke Mekah saya tahun lalu,
yang memang sengaja masih saya simpan di dalam
kamera karena belum sempat disortir saking banyaknya.
Saya selalu senang dengan warna warni dan berbagai
macam pedagang dan barang yang dijual di jalanan
Mekah. Ingin sekali kembali kesana suatu hari nanti:)

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