October 21, 2010

me and friends : they live in this chaotic yet pretty space

There is this one space in Jakarta that everytime I come
there I will always find tons of things to take pictures of
and they all turned out just so much fun and colourful!
There live my talented friends where we used to make
and do stuff together and this year they will celebrate
their 10th year anniversary! Congrats guys!

Ruang Rupa adalah salah satu tempat di Jakarta yang
menurut saya setiap kali saya memotret disana hasilnya
pasti akan selalu tidak biasa. Dan tahun ini mereka akan
merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke 10! Selamat teman-teman!


I. Widiastuti said...

probably they're blessed with tons of beautiful talents and natural light all year long.

Unknown said...

hi ikaaaaaaaaaaaaa ho ar yuuuuu huuuuu!!!!! miss those crappy n messy stuffs yet 'nggemesin' on yer desk/ bags/ whatever... haha.
sedang apa sekarang?

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