May 31, 2010

me and old cars : accidental beauties

I don't see myself as a car person. Apart from I don't drive at all,
and feels good about it (especially since I live in one of the worst
traffic city in the world). But I know that I always have certain
fling on certain type of cars and Volkswagen is one of them.
So imagined my surprise one morning when I arrived at my office
and find this beauty parked not so far from it!

With full of excitements I took these pictures rather quickly
because I have to go back to the office afterwards. But an hour
after it, as I get out of my office I am so surprised to find out that
this green beauty is not there anymore and instead I found this!

And when I got back another one hour afterwards to see if
this beauty still parked there, it's gone! Oh wow!
Anyway, wishing you a wonderful week, my friends!


mooshoo said...

that green one is oh so cute!!!
and that shiny red bug is purdy too :)
cute shots

vantiani said...

now i keep checking out those spot just to make sure that if there is any other beauty park there again. lol.

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