August 16, 2010

(Not So) Sunny Sunday

With the heavy rain that suddenly pouring and a heavy 
feeling on my chest, yesterday was indeed not a sunny day. 
Even a quick walk at this flea market was only cheer me up 
a bit because I got exactly what I was looking for. Hope your
Sunday is much more happier than mine:)

Bersama dengan datangnya hujan, berantakanlah semua rencana
saya. Minggu yang kelabu, bahkan kunjungan ke pasar loak yang
biasanya menyenangkan pun hanya terasa sebentar cerianya.


pkk023 said...

It appears that Vantiani likes sunny day

Never love to have a wet and rainy day

But if we feel the environment on a day

When sun plays seek n hide in clouds on a day

And pours down cool water to turn hot day

Into a pleasant mixed cool and wet day

To feel us having walks on the sea bay

Taking hand into hands on beach and bay

Just to run fast into the sea to get a hay

To find an escape of burning heat of the day

Even I appreciate my friends liking and say

That sunny hot weather is good than rainy day

Aphrodita Wibowo said...

suka hunting di pasar loak ya? sudah pernah ke flohmak lom? dulu di BSD skarang ada di SMS serpong...

nice to found ur blog...


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