July 29, 2010

me and a bazaar: Bukan Bazaar!

These are the house where I will be joining a bazaar together
with Miss Dindie  , Miss Raw and hopefully Mr Frnss where
we will selling our finger power art and crafts plus having a
small workshop on Sunday. Isn't that wonderful place to have
a bazaar? Hope to see you all there, peeps!

Ini tempat dimana saya akan ikut bazaar bersama dengan 
Nona Dindie , Nona Shali dan Paman Frnss hari sabtu
dan minggu ini. Kami akan berjualan dan menggelar workshop
bikin bikin! Datang ya, teman teman! Ditungguu!

July 26, 2010

me and collection: vintage music books

I found them and other vintage books on films when
I was spending my Sunday with Frnss two weeks ago.
So far I have like five Acme books, so I was stoked
that I found more of them and other awesome music 
books like that Ricky Nelson one!

Saya menemukan buku buku ini waktu saya menghabiskan
hari Minggu saya bersama Frnss dua minggu yang lalu.
Sampai hari ini saya sudah punya lima buah buku musik
seri Acme, karenanya saya senang sekali waktu menemukan
buku ini dan buku-buku musik lainnya. Lihatlah yang Ricky
Nelson! Keren sekali kan?

July 22, 2010

Trade Thursday : Crazy Couture

As a coffee lover, coffee cozy is always important to me.
Especially a cool one by a cool designer like Lucas here.
If you check out his shop you will find out how interesting
his mix and match stuff. Thank you for doing the swap with me!

Saya bertemu Lucas pada suatu hari saat chatting di etsy.
Dengan berbagai barang yang didesain keren sekali
seperti coffee cozy nya itu misalnya, atau kalung dan ikat
kepala yang nyaman seperti itu saya senang sekali bisa
barter dengan salah satu karyanya! Terimakasih, Lucas!

July 21, 2010

me and giveaway: Two postcard packs!

I have two big postcard packs for you made from my art,
photos and my vintage image collections. Just leave a message
here on "Who is the person that you would like to send a
postcard today from your past?". Interesting, right?
I will withdraw the winner next Wednesday. Good luck!

Saya punya dua paket besar kartu pos yang saya buat dari 
kolase, foto dan koleksi gambar-gambar vintage saya.
Cukup tinggalkan jawaban pertanyaan ini di kolom comment,
"Siapa yang sangat ingin Anda kirimkan kartu pos hari ini
dan berasal dari masa lalu Anda?" Pertanyaan menarik ya!
Saya akan pilih pemenangnya hari Rabu depan. 

July 20, 2010

me and old building: a pretty batik shop

I accidentally saw this pretty building one morning after 
accompanying a good friend picked up some books at this
huge second hand book market in the South of Jakarta. 
As I came closer to take this pictures I found out that it's
an old batik shop owned by this old chinese man.I really
really love those two big displays and the second floor!

Saya menemukan toko batik cantik ini tidak sengaja.
Ceritanya waktu itu menemani teman mengambil
pesanan bukunya di Blok M Square, jadi bayangkan
senangnya saya waktu mendekat dan menemukan
betapa diantara himpitan ruko-ruko baru masih ada
tersempil sebuah bangunan secantik ini. Yay!

July 19, 2010

me and collection: postcards! and more postcards!

I have been asked to send pictures of my postcard collections
by this local newspaper that features my hobby together with
the art on poskart exhibition that I curated last week. I have
some awesome art poskart of The Black Apple and KarenOhBuddy 
plus some local postcard series featuring our first president and
a series features some Hollywood babes. I have been also
exhibit them during the exhibition. Sure will collect some more:)

Suatu hari bersamaan dengan pembukaan pameran art on poskart
yang saya kuratori, saya diwawancara sebuah koran lokal untuk
bercerita tentang hobi mengumpulkan kartupos serta mesti 
mengirimkan foto-foto kartupos koleksi saya. Ini beberapa foto
yang saya kirimkan ke mereka. Ada kartu pos dari theblackapple 
dan juga KarenOhBuddy yang sangat saya sukai dan juga seri
kartupos Bung Karno dan beberapa bintang film Hollywood 
jaman dulu. Beberapa saya pamerkan juga selama pameran lho!

July 18, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Dear Frnss,
I would like to let you know how awesome it turned out
our spending Sunday together. Not only I got the chance
to show you some of my fave second hand books and 
flea markets; but I was so happy that you found all these!
Thank you for the chat, iced coffee, walk in the park and
the following after friendship and of course the secret
projects that we will and have made so far. You are one
hell of a young man and I am so proud that you are my



July 17, 2010

me and vintage finds: one lucky day

It was last Wednesday when I decide to stay at home and not 
going to the office. So after I went to the post office for my
Postcrossing  ritual, I went to had lunch at this warong near
my house. As I sat in one of the seat my eyes wander inside
the warong and also outside when my eyes saw that vintage
television drawer that seemed to be put outside because it
didn't being used anymore. So I asked the woman did she
throw this television drawer away? Can I have it?
Sure, she said. 

Hari Rabu lalu sepulang dari kantor pos untuk ritual 
Postcrossing mingguan saya, saya memutuskan untuk mampir
ke warteg dekat rumah untuk makan siang. Sambil menunggu
giliran saya memotret dalam rumahnya dan mata saya pun
tertumbuk pada sebuah lemari televisi jaman dulu yang di
letakkan begitu saja di teras warteg tadi. Saya tanya pada 
pemilik wartegnya apakah lemari itu dibuang, bila iya bolehkah
saya mengambilnya? Silahkan, jawabnya. 

July 16, 2010

me and collection: children book

I think there is something with me and Maurice Sendak. Why?
Because within a week I found and bought and got like three,
yes, three of his books! And this is the second book that I got 
a couple of weeks ago. He illustrate this book beautifully delicate
with a story by Wilhelm Grimm that has been preserved in a
letter to a little girl in 1816 and found by his family for over a
century and a half later. This book was published in 1983 by
Farrar, Straus and Giroux New York.

Saya tidak tahu ada apa dengan saya dan Maurice Sendak akhir-
akhir ini. Saya terus menerus menemukan buku-bukunya di
toko buku seken maupun dari pemberian teman. Ini adalah
bukunya yang kedua setelah Where The Wild Things Are yang
baru saja difilmkan tahun lalu. Buku ini berisi cerita yang ditulis
oleh Wilhelm Grimm dan ditemukan 150 tahun kemudian oleh
keluarganya dalam surat yang dia kirimkan kepada seorang
gadis kecil di tahun 1816. Lihatlah ilustrasi Maurice Sendak
disini, luar biasa cantiknya bukan?

July 13, 2010

Sunny Sunday

These pictures were taken from my Sunday two weeks ago.
I was wake up all restless and sore because of my exhaustion
the week before and after I had a big glass of iced cappucinno
and a couple of donuts, I decide to visit my parents. So these
are pictures taken at their home together with my youngest sister.
So grateful for my family that could turned my Sunday into 
something sweet and awesome.

Hari minggu dua lalu saya terbangun kelelahan setelah sepanjang
minggu yang sibuk. Sehingga setelah minum kopi dan makan donat
saya memutuskan ke rumah orang tua saya setelah lama tidak kesana.
Senangnya menghabiskan hari itu bersama ibu dan adik perempuan
saya dengan foto-foto dan jalan-jalan ke pasar setelahnya!

July 7, 2010

me and old house : a rad tattoo shop in Bogor

This is one of the pretty old house I know in Bogor which
was once used to accommodate a DIY gig and exhibition
there. This house has a huge front yard and the other side
of it is another old house being used as a tattoo and distro
shop own by some friends. I heard that it was being demolished
now to build a new building so I was glad to be able to
take pictures and hang out there a couple of times.

Saya suka rumah tua dan saya suka jendela. Foto ini diambil
dari sebuah rumah tua dengan halaman luas luar biasa di Bogor.
Rumah ini dan rumah sebelahnya, dengan ruang penghubung
diantaranya dulu sering digunakan untuk konser dan pameran
DIY (Do It Yourself) oleh beberapa teman saya sekaligus juga
digunakan untuk studio tato, distro dan rumah singgah. 
Sayangnya sekarang rumah ini sudah diratakan dengan tanah
untuk dibangun bangunan baru diatasnya.Untung saya sudah
sempat memotretnya!

July 6, 2010

me and animal : deer

Do you realize how rare to see a nature post on this blog?
Therefore I was so happy to find these pictures that I took
from one Sunday when I went to Bogor accompanying my
boyfriend who had a gig there. We spent several hours
feeding those beauty with fresh carrots from outside the gate.
There are hundreds of them at Presidential Palace Garden that
has been built since 1800's. I would love to go there again!

Saya selalu merasa Bogor itu menarik dan letaknya yang
tidak terlalu jauh dari Jakarta mestinya membuat saya
bisa kembali lagi dan lagi. Ada begitu banyak alasan
untuk kembali ke Bogor dan nona-nona cantik ini yang
berkeliaran di taman Istana Bogor tentu saja salah
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