July 17, 2010

me and vintage finds: one lucky day

It was last Wednesday when I decide to stay at home and not 
going to the office. So after I went to the post office for my
Postcrossing  ritual, I went to had lunch at this warong near
my house. As I sat in one of the seat my eyes wander inside
the warong and also outside when my eyes saw that vintage
television drawer that seemed to be put outside because it
didn't being used anymore. So I asked the woman did she
throw this television drawer away? Can I have it?
Sure, she said. 

Hari Rabu lalu sepulang dari kantor pos untuk ritual 
Postcrossing mingguan saya, saya memutuskan untuk mampir
ke warteg dekat rumah untuk makan siang. Sambil menunggu
giliran saya memotret dalam rumahnya dan mata saya pun
tertumbuk pada sebuah lemari televisi jaman dulu yang di
letakkan begitu saja di teras warteg tadi. Saya tanya pada 
pemilik wartegnya apakah lemari itu dibuang, bila iya bolehkah
saya mengambilnya? Silahkan, jawabnya. 


This Sunday Child said...

Ika thanks for sharing about Postcrossing... I can't wait to try it myself, YAY!!!!

vantiani said...

Yay! Happy postcrossing, Shali!
And welcome a new addiction:D

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