July 6, 2010

me and animal : deer

Do you realize how rare to see a nature post on this blog?
Therefore I was so happy to find these pictures that I took
from one Sunday when I went to Bogor accompanying my
boyfriend who had a gig there. We spent several hours
feeding those beauty with fresh carrots from outside the gate.
There are hundreds of them at Presidential Palace Garden that
has been built since 1800's. I would love to go there again!

Saya selalu merasa Bogor itu menarik dan letaknya yang
tidak terlalu jauh dari Jakarta mestinya membuat saya
bisa kembali lagi dan lagi. Ada begitu banyak alasan
untuk kembali ke Bogor dan nona-nona cantik ini yang
berkeliaran di taman Istana Bogor tentu saja salah


I. Widiastuti said...

oh yeaaahh...do you find the pink one?

pkk023 said...

Hello Vantiani
They all are so amazing, so wonderful and so beautiful just displaying your choice. Most appreciable.

Ian D. Sitompul said...

damn! i'm so excited! great blog! gmana klo tukeran link+follow.. jgn malu2 berkunjung ke blogku yow,salam kenal.. :D

DENOTE said...

Never saw from a close distance when I passed by the area.. hiehehe...

vantiani said...

Dindie, I never saw the pink one! That would be like in a story book!

dan selamat datang buat teman-teman yang baru pertama kali mengunjungi blog ini!

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