July 13, 2010

Sunny Sunday

These pictures were taken from my Sunday two weeks ago.
I was wake up all restless and sore because of my exhaustion
the week before and after I had a big glass of iced cappucinno
and a couple of donuts, I decide to visit my parents. So these
are pictures taken at their home together with my youngest sister.
So grateful for my family that could turned my Sunday into 
something sweet and awesome.

Hari minggu dua lalu saya terbangun kelelahan setelah sepanjang
minggu yang sibuk. Sehingga setelah minum kopi dan makan donat
saya memutuskan ke rumah orang tua saya setelah lama tidak kesana.
Senangnya menghabiskan hari itu bersama ibu dan adik perempuan
saya dengan foto-foto dan jalan-jalan ke pasar setelahnya!


Unknown said...

Wah, baju paper doll nya mengingatkan pada masa kecil...dulu suka banget main beginian :)

Dita Maulani said...

lucu banget baju paper doll nya Ikaaa. dan keramik keramik itu.uwooh.

vantiani said...

oh paper dollnya dikasi dari tukeran kertas sama artis kolase di etsy!
kalo keramik keramik lucu banyak di taman puring dita

Nauli said...

we had this paperdolls when we were little childs.. we made the clothes by ourselves as well, when we already cutted all of them...
when we travelled to indonesia first time, we brought a sissor in a small suitcase as handlagguage.. it was the time sissors as handlagguage where still allowed... and used the transit-time on any airport to make new clothes for our paper dolls...
i tried to search these dolls in that suitcase a couple of weeks ago... but i guess they are gone...

vantiani said...

Nauli girls, oh I would LOVE to see them! Kalau dipajang semuanya terus jadi buku cerita pasti keren sekali!

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