May 31, 2010

me and old cars : accidental beauties

I don't see myself as a car person. Apart from I don't drive at all,
and feels good about it (especially since I live in one of the worst
traffic city in the world). But I know that I always have certain
fling on certain type of cars and Volkswagen is one of them.
So imagined my surprise one morning when I arrived at my office
and find this beauty parked not so far from it!

With full of excitements I took these pictures rather quickly
because I have to go back to the office afterwards. But an hour
after it, as I get out of my office I am so surprised to find out that
this green beauty is not there anymore and instead I found this!

And when I got back another one hour afterwards to see if
this beauty still parked there, it's gone! Oh wow!
Anyway, wishing you a wonderful week, my friends!

May 30, 2010

(Not) A Sunny Sunday

Two Sundays ago this guys held a Sunday jazz festival featured
some awesome jazz groups from Jakarta. And during that one day
festival they open this craft and second hand market on the venue.
I was being invited, together with Miss Raw and other friends of
ours. Unfortunately it was raining really hard all day!

But since this is one of the most awesome art collective in Jakarta
where I also put some of my originals for sale on their shop plus
I soon might be doing a group exhibition on July, I was totally a
happy creature that Sunday:)

May 27, 2010

What A Collage!

Dear Catherine,

First I would like to tell you how inspiring your collages are to me and I would love to hear your stories on them and also your own collage making process. Let's start with the questions, shall we?

1. I used to know collage when I start making zines, therefore my understanding of collage is like a paper art. But then as time goes by I notice that apart from paper there are many other material we can use. How about you and collage in general, how did it
start? I have been creating all my life. About12 years ago I started noticing paper collage art and I just loved it! I loved the jumbled mix of images that could create such amazing scenes and moods. So i got into making paper collages for myself. I hadn't really made collages since. Now that I sew and create with fabric it was just a natural progession to try collage with fabrics. Sometimes i need to break away from plush making for a short time so that I don't feel stagnant.

2. I noticed that you make a fantastic rag dolls, are they inspires you then with the collage or is it the other way around? Are there many trial and error first before you nail them? I was inspired to make fabric collages because my plush dolls. For my plush I don't use patterns and I don't create from detailed sketches so my creations are free to come out as they come out. I am not so concered with making an exact copy of anything, even my own sketches. I prefer that my creations come from spontaneity. Creating this way for me brings happy surprises to me and I learn and grow from the results that I maybe wasn't expecting. This way of creating keeps it fun and fresh and exciting!

3. Apart from fabric and thread, are there any other materials that you've tried and how do they go? Apart from fabric and thread, I have added plastic doll parts such as arms. I love the idea of mixed media dolls/soft sculpure. I have also used metal parts such as a spring coil for a mouth. I really enjoy adding these other elements to my dolls and can only see myself continuing this.

4. Is there any special tips that you would like to share if someone would like to make one too? My advice to anyone wanting to start making their own plush is to first off not make too many rules for oneself. Start small and just see what happens. Make a simple sketch if you want. Mainly concentrate on the overall shape. Once you are comfortable and happy with your basic shape you can focus on the details.

5. Anything else that you would like to share with us like your shop, online gallery, flickr, etc? You can find my creations here at :

Thank you so much for sharing all these and being so inspiring,


May 26, 2010

me and post office: 4 x 4

I always takes pictures of my packages after they
got stamped at the post office. I think I am the only
one who likes doing that but at the same time I always
find those officers are very helpful about my photo session

These four were taken last week of my etsy orders and
I can't wait to show my bunch of this week that I just
sent away this morning! Yay for mailing stuff!

May 25, 2010

me and souvenirs : singapore and malaysia trip

Knowing me, all those souvenirs I bring along
from that trip is mostly vintage stuff and craft
supplies. These are the vintage photo, envelopes,
tin cans and a cute brown bag I got in Singapore.
PLUS some tin toys from Melacca. How I should
definitely be back there for more vintage and
craft supplies shopping, I tell you.

May 24, 2010

Sunny Sunday (For A Babushka)

Dear you,
I'm Tuti. I'm the latest find of Vantiani's matryoshka
collection. She found me one morning at this flea spot
near the post office. And I'm really happy to meet the
other five of us in her chaotic studio.

Yesterday, I accompanied her and one of her close friend
to take pictures at the park while she try to work at the 
same time. I know, so much for something that she called
a holiday isn't it?



May 22, 2010

me and gift tags: a little story

Do you know that gift tags is something totally new
in Jakarta and of course Indonesia? That means I have
to explaining to people every time I display and try to
sell them on my booth. But its all right, I always believe
that the process of introducing new stuff is really worth
it. Don't you agree?

Anyway, the last batch called Paperie Pose is now
available at my etsy for your enjoyment in sending
out all those package of love. Have a Sweet Saturday!

May 21, 2010

me and an inspiring artist : anja mulder

I found Anja before from Nina's blog  years ago
but not until lately that I start to really see and
obsessed with her blog and art. Oh and her sweet
little nest with her son also. Thanks for sharing, Anja!

May 20, 2010

me and collection : vintage music page

I found this vintage musical book from 1800's
at my usual vintage book spot. It's a clipping of
several books that being bind together by someone
in Surabaya, East Java. The book is in pretty good
shape although some pages are being cut and stick
with tapes here and there.

For more pretty pages of this beautifully old music
page check out my flickr, friends.

May 18, 2010

me and my etsy : Moody Modeblat is back!

Yes, they are back in the shoppe in a form of
postcards, art prints and blank cards. Enjoy!

May 17, 2010

me and singapore : Haji Lane and Its Surroundings

I wish I could stay longer in Singapore or even live there
for awhile just to take pictures of every single building,
house, shop, cafe, nooks and crannies that I see every day
during my trip there.

And during my stay there we had raining and cloudy sky
almost everyday and I hate it:)
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