May 30, 2010

(Not) A Sunny Sunday

Two Sundays ago this guys held a Sunday jazz festival featured
some awesome jazz groups from Jakarta. And during that one day
festival they open this craft and second hand market on the venue.
I was being invited, together with Miss Raw and other friends of
ours. Unfortunately it was raining really hard all day!

But since this is one of the most awesome art collective in Jakarta
where I also put some of my originals for sale on their shop plus
I soon might be doing a group exhibition on July, I was totally a
happy creature that Sunday:)


Unknown said...

Aku paling ga suka kalo pas lagi bazaar/exhibition, tau2 hujan...tapi senang dengar mbak tetap semangat (sayang aku ga bisa dateng liat booth mb, mudah2an next time bisa ya) :).

vantiani said...

Oh mbak Lia,ini sih aku boothnya cuman nggelar tiker aja soalnya kan konsep pasarnya barang bekas:D
Nanti ya kalo aku ikutan craft bazaar gitu aku kabari.

Terimakasih ya sudah mampir mampir:)

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