Dear Catherine,
First I would like to tell you how inspiring your collages are to me and I would love to hear your stories on them and also your own collage making process. Let's start with the questions, shall we?
First I would like to tell you how inspiring your collages are to me and I would love to hear your stories on them and also your own collage making process. Let's start with the questions, shall we?
1. I used to know collage when I start making zines, therefore my understanding of collage is like a paper art. But then as time goes by I notice that apart from paper there are many other material we can use. How about you and collage in general, how did it start? I have been creating all my life. About12 years ago I started noticing paper collage art and I just loved it! I loved the jumbled mix of images that could create such amazing scenes and moods. So i got into making paper collages for myself. I hadn't really made collages since. Now that I sew and create with fabric it was just a natural progession to try collage with fabrics. Sometimes i need to break away from plush making for a short time so that I don't feel stagnant.
2. I noticed that you make a fantastic rag dolls, are they inspires you then with the collage or is it the other way around? Are there many trial and error first before you nail them? I was inspired to make fabric collages because my plush dolls. For my plush I don't use patterns and I don't create from detailed sketches so my creations are free to come out as they come out. I am not so concered with making an exact copy of anything, even my own sketches. I prefer that my creations come from spontaneity. Creating this way for me brings happy surprises to me and I learn and grow from the results that I maybe wasn't expecting. This way of creating keeps it fun and fresh and exciting!
3. Apart from fabric and thread, are there any other materials that you've tried and how do they go? Apart from fabric and thread, I have added plastic doll parts such as arms. I love the idea of mixed media dolls/soft sculpure. I have also used metal parts such as a spring coil for a mouth. I really enjoy adding these other elements to my dolls and can only see myself continuing this.
4. Is there any special tips that you would like to share if someone would like to make one too? My advice to anyone wanting to start making their own plush is to first off not make too many rules for oneself. Start small and just see what happens. Make a simple sketch if you want. Mainly concentrate on the overall shape. Once you are comfortable and happy with your basic shape you can focus on the details.
5. Anything else that you would like to share with us like your shop, online gallery, flickr, etc? You can find my creations here at :
Thank you so much for sharing all these and being so inspiring,
1 comment:
Helllo Vantiani
Me KK Parashar, your just new friemd. I happen to've a glance of your Blog, wonderfully managed and well decorated with colors of your choice. There won't be any exaggaration if I appreciate your choice and passions for a beautiful and lovely creation. Indeed if you permit I may say frankly- I became your one fan. I find a very good person and friend in you.
Thanks to you.
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