October 31, 2010

me and collage: thank you, Rosemary!

I have been really really lucky in doing paper swap
with some collage artist in etsy, including this one
of course. Rosemary found my shop one day and
after she contacted me for a purchase order I said
that I would love to do a paper swap with her and
she said yes. And now from one envelope of paperie
that she sent me, I have made this piece. Rosemary
thank you so so much! So glad we met through etsy!
Oh available at my etsy as art print and mouse pad:)

Kolase yang saya buat dari kertas yang dikirimkan
Rosemary kepada saya. Kami bertemu di etsy dan
setuju untuk saling mengirimkan kertas-kertas dengan
tema dan warna yang kami sukai. Bagus sekali sebagai
art print dan mouse pad, tersedia disini tentunya:)

October 24, 2010

me and thrift finds: lithograph posters

I have been really really lucky to be given these posters
as a gift and apart from these two series there are more
of them with much more beautiful pictures that I will share
with you later. They all Lithography posters from the 1800's
and I certainly wish you can see them in person. They all
just stunning!

Saya beruntung sekali mendapatkan poster-poster Litografi
ini sebagai hadiah beberapa minggu lalu. Dan ini hanyalah
beberapa dari poster Litografi yang saya dapatkan dalam
beberapa minggu terakhir ini. Tentu saja saya tidak sabar
untuk segera memperlihatkan poster-poster lainnya!
Tunggu ya:)

October 21, 2010

me and friends : they live in this chaotic yet pretty space

There is this one space in Jakarta that everytime I come
there I will always find tons of things to take pictures of
and they all turned out just so much fun and colourful!
There live my talented friends where we used to make
and do stuff together and this year they will celebrate
their 10th year anniversary! Congrats guys!

Ruang Rupa adalah salah satu tempat di Jakarta yang
menurut saya setiap kali saya memotret disana hasilnya
pasti akan selalu tidak biasa. Dan tahun ini mereka akan
merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke 10! Selamat teman-teman!

October 18, 2010

me and collection: indonesian vintage craft books

I found these series of vintage craft books on duplex
in Bandung a couple of weeks ago when I was in
town for a short visit. They were piles of them at the
back displays and thanks to that one buddy who found them!
He got himself an awesome vintage children book album
from the 1970's. Oh what a lucky lucky finds!

Saya menemukan seri buku-buku kerajinan tangan triplex
dari tahun 70 an ini di sebuah toko buku tua yang tak
kalah cantiknya di Bandung. Tertumpuk-tumpuk di
belakang bersama dengan buku-buku tua lainnya, 
untung saja teman saya yang satu ini selalu begitu jeli
dan teliti di setiap kunjungan kita di toko buku!

October 15, 2010

me and collages: two latest pieces for an old series

Two small originals made of Ubud handmade recycle paper
as a part of my Recycle Paperie Series. The first one is a
collaboration with Cecillia i made a couple of weeks ago.
I think I should turn that into a huge poster for my studio:)
And they available at my etsy soon. Yay!

October 10, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Jakarta has been raining constantly for months and I almost
forgot what is it like to have one full sunny day. And I had 
a wedding to attend all day with three of my boyfriends. It's
a traditional Javanese wedding with all the detailed ceremony
that lasts for hours! Hope your Sunday also as sunny as mine.
Oh I wear my black converse even on weddings:)

Jakarta hari ini penuh disirami sinar matahari setelah entah
berapa lama dan saya sampai lupa seperti apa rasanya.
Seharian menghadiri sebuah acara pernikahan adat Jawa
dimulai dari akad hingga resepsi lengkap dengan semua
detail upacara dan bersama sepatu converse hitam saya yang
setia tentunya. Senangnya sekali-sekali panas begini:)

October 9, 2010

me and mecca : things that they sell on the street

These pictures are from my last year trip to Mecca
but I still keep some of them in my camera apparently
and excitedly share them here to remind me how
colorful those stuff they are selling and how actually
some of them are pretty much ordinary stuffs even
in Jakarta or Indonesian's street. Sure love to go back
there someday:)

Ini foto-foto dari perjalanan ke Mekah saya tahun lalu,
yang memang sengaja masih saya simpan di dalam
kamera karena belum sempat disortir saking banyaknya.
Saya selalu senang dengan warna warni dan berbagai
macam pedagang dan barang yang dijual di jalanan
Mekah. Ingin sekali kembali kesana suatu hari nanti:)

October 5, 2010

me and bazaar : J Town Creative Junction

Last weekend, I have been invited to join Kamar  in
this monthly bazaar inside a mall called J Town Creative
Junction. We have been really lucky to be placed next
to this awesome shop by these two guys that made bow
ties and scarfs from stripes and batik fabrics!
I have also sold one original with coffee cup as the main
visual, having an awesome collaboration with Cecilia
and of course having a workshop last Sunday together
with my friends. Sure love bazaar like this!

Akhir pekan lalu saya diundang Kamar untuk ikut
J Town Creative Junction di Gandaria City.
Saya beruntung sekali karena lokasi stand kami
bersebrangan dengan Rocinc, dua cowok seru dan
kreatif yang membuat dasi kupu kupu, scarf dan
kaos garis-garis. Di meja mereka juga penuh dengan
mainan kaleng, barang-barang vintage dan topi-topi
keren! Saya sempat berkolaborasi dengan Cecilia
juga menjual sebuah karya original saya selama acara
ini. Workshop di hari terakhir pun tak ketinggalan
tentunya! Yay! Terimakasih banyak, Kamar!

October 4, 2010

me and exhibition: The Napkin Boys!

I have been really really lucky to be able to catch
this exhibition as a part of Q Film Festival this year.
Not only because I never thought I will finally able
to see a papercut art in person but this one is such
an amazingly cool solo exhibition too! The artist,
Carlos Franklin, made like 25 pieces of papercut
in a variety of colours featuring all the boys that 
I think he met in his life. Ain't that just awesome?

Saya sangat beruntung karena sempat melihat
pameran papercut Carlos Franklin di Jakarta
sebagai bagian dari Q Film Festival tahun ini.
Tidak hanya karena saya selalu penasaran
dengan yang namanya papercut tapi pameran ini
juga sangat teramatlah menakjubkan bagusnya!
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