April 30, 2010

me and collage : one and two pieces

These two I made before I went to Singapore last week.
The second one is a cover for a free magazine targeted
to high school students in Indonesia. What do you think?

Oh I can't wait to share you my traveling pictures, btw:)

April 29, 2010

me and collection : vintage portrait

Dear Erik,
My much awaited day is about to come and to you, my dear friend
who's so far yet very much remembered when such time comes.
This I gives then to you as a lasting souvenir for you to remember
me by as years go by. And, when you're mind is free from worry; 
would you some times think of me?



PS: I found this sweet piece at a flea market in Singapore
       last week. So now you know why I've been missing:)

April 19, 2010

me and my friends : a tiny mask party

Last Friday me and Miss Dindie helped out a girlfriend
in her painting class by come up with a mask making
idea. We bring along all of our craft supplies and run
that one hour class with 15 kids! That's pretty overwhelming
I must confess since that would be my first art making
with children class.

I would love to do more of these classes though,
because I love to surround myself with children and
learning things from them. Aren't we all?

April 17, 2010

me and my etsy : sneak peek of newbie

Some experimentations this week and hopefully
they all will be available soon at the shop
Those two are keychains/bottle opener and
keychain/pocket mirror. What do you think?

April 14, 2010

me and collage : you are prettier without your mask on

It was almost midnight. We were chatting the night away.
And I just let my fingers do the dance. Their usual dance
on a paper. It's good to make something out of my routine.

April 12, 2010

Sunny Sunday

This is a kind of sunday that when you woke up
sleepy but when you decide to push yourself to
get out early from your house and you were
so glad you did that. Yes, it was that kind of Sunday.
Making art with the girls after a quick trip to that
one particular big second hand market.

I hope your Sunday was as rad as mine, peeps!:)

April 10, 2010

me and my etsy: they are ready!

A set of 5 gorgeous bookplates for you and your books.

me and collages : some wonderful collaboration pieces

These are some of the latest collaborations pieces
that I have made with old and new inspiring artist
friends. I love collaborations, they always take me
to somewhere that I never go before:)

April 9, 2010

a visit to the market of old things pretty

I went to my regular market of pretty
vintage fabrics and paperie.
Look what I found that day!

April 8, 2010

Trade Thursday : Kinrisu

Aren't they just awesomely pretty?
Kinrisu, my new etsy friend from France made them.
We met at etsy and decide to do an art swap!
Am I lucky or what?
Check her shop for more pretty art like these at

April 7, 2010

me and craft : a bouquet of pom pom flowerie

A commissioned by The Rad Miss Raw from
www.LaCurioshar.etsy.com for her new hot bedroom.
If you want a bouquet of your own just email me
and I will make them for you.

April 5, 2010

me and art : making it at the park

We had another long weekend so I asked
my talented bunch to make stuff at the park
last Friday. It was a good weather although
a bit cloudy and almost rained all the time
we were there. Afterwards we ate and
end the day just chatting away
at my house with Miss Dindie,Miss Raw
and Mr Painsugar. Thanks much, peeps!

April 3, 2010

me and my etsy: a sneak peek of a new stuff

what do you think? thanks to miss dindie
from www.slorasauna.blogspot.com for
this magnificent design:)

April 1, 2010

trade thursday : bethtastic

That big Chicago ring is mine thanks to that
funtastic bethtastic of www.bethtastic.etsy.com
and these are only a few stuff in her shop that
i fall in love with. Of course there are more:)
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