May 31, 2009
Sunny Sunday

May 29, 2009
Comrade Collage Column: Michelle Lanter

I am a self-taught collage artist living and working in Houston, Texas in the United States. I've always had a love affair with paper. I have an ever growing collection of vintage ephemera and collage is a way for me to give the pieces new life.
2. Tell me about your creative process in making a collage? Is there any specific ritual or just wait for the inspirations to come or any other way?
I consider collage a form of play. I love to spread my toys (my ephemera) on the floor and play with them until an image comes together. I tend to work intuitively and I lose all track of time when I'm collaging.
3. What kind of materials that you have been using or even try out after all these time? How many of them is actually works and are there any failures?
I love all types of paper. I've recently started using vintage maps in my work. They make awesome backgrounds. I've had a few failures with very old and fragile papers, but the great thing about collage is that it is easy to cover up or incorporate mistakes into the final piece.
I love to dabble with lots of craft projects but most of them involve collage in some way.
I've done well selling my collage work on Etsy. I've been able to send my collages all over the world.
It's something I would consider but right now I'm keeping busy with creating collages and running my Etsy shop.
My work is going to be part of a collage exhibition that will be taking place in Manchester, England. The exhibit will run from February 24th until April 4th 2009. It will be my first exhibition and I'm very excited about it.
I really love ACEOs and I've created over 1000 of them. I also enjoy collaging canvas, postcards, boxes, and jewelry.
I love being able to combine images and turn them into something completely new and different. The only thing I don't like is not having enough time to create collage.
Thank you for interviewing me. I've had fun answering your questions. My Etsy shop address is: http://dadadreams.etsy.com/. I also spend a lot of time on Flickr and I love making new Flickr friends. You can find me on Flickr at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dadadreams/
May 28, 2009
me and friends : our cups of coffee

May 26, 2009
May 25, 2009
May 24, 2009
Sunny Sunday

May 22, 2009
me and holiday : a busy one

and i haven't been able to finished those collages that supposed
May 20, 2009
me and giveaway: two art prints!

May 19, 2009
me and art: i love you
I love my art. I love it for always being there when I need a room to ease my anger, confusion and sadness. I love it for quietly holding me from falling down because of my own stupidities. I love it for making me jump out of the bed in the morning and making me just can’t wait to go home to make some more.
I love my art. I love it for showing me how powerful yet shallow I can be because it’s all in my own hands at the end. My ten nail-bitten small fingers. I love it for telling me again and again that it’s never been about material possessions or money I have in my pocket. I love it how a scissor, a tube of glue and piles of scraps could make me feel so full of life. Or your pencil, eraser and paper do to you. Maybe.
I love my art because it comes from every single side of me, myself and I. Nothing more, nothing else. And I know you love your art too. Thank you for sharing it with me and let me sharing mine with you.
me and work: wonderful outdoor shoot
May 18, 2009
me and collage: two new pieces!

around the house and having another big piece on
the way too. Oh my! How addicted I've become! Yay!
Another happy news is my ACEO's has arrived safe for
and now I am in the middle of another art project with
some amazingly talented friends.
These two prints are available at my shop now:)
Sunny Sunday

May 15, 2009
me and home : my tiny front yard
May 14, 2009
me and collage: It Called Pretty Trashy!

four days. I really really am impressed with the result
since I never thought that the color mix will work out
this beautiful. Oh how I am going to start
May 13, 2009
me and work: making ACEOs
me and book: mother's favorite lullaby

just like this one. i always love lino cut and wood cut