Those murals were made by my late cousin couples of
months before he passed away. I have been living at this
house for four years now. A friend said I shall move out
this year for this house has lost its magic.
This house is still the best house I have ever rent so far.
Perfect for everything a house should be. For me and
my friends who loves to hang out there. So many stories.
So many happiness. So many heartaches. So many laughes.
So many fights. So many meaningful bits and pieces like
a perfect home should be. I love you my big pink coccoon.
It's a beautiful little garden, and it looks magical to me! :)
Oh Pam! I am so glad you feel like this about my messy little garden! I think I should print this pictures and framed them in case I move out finally:)
Gorgeous little garden. I love the murals and the climbing vine!
Oh thank you Dee!
It's also amazing how fast this little garden turn into big messy greenery sometimes:)lolitalempicka
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