June 27, 2010

Sunny Sunday

These are from last Sunday morning when I spent half
of it with Miss Dindie Of Mikisi before going to the
office afterwards. We went to craft supplies market,
then to that big flea market and the last one was went
to my regular second hand shop.Thank you for spending
a really full on Sunday morning with me, Miss Dindie!

Hari minggu pagi dari minggu lalu. Menghabiskan pagi
bersama Nona Dindie Mikisi berjalan-jalan dari pasar
Mayestik, pasar Kebayoran sampai dengan mengintip
penjual baju bekas di Jatayu. Seruu deh! Terimakasih
buat hari Minggu pagi serunya ya Nona Dindie!


I. Widiastuti said...

sama-sama ya Nona Vantiani

Dita Maulani said...

ah ini dimana ika? keren banget!

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