June 9, 2010

me and collection: indonesian vintage books

Look what I found today! They all from 1950's and still in such a
great condition for vintage books. And I just realized that mostly
I found treasures at the second hand market where I didn't plan to
go there and look for something. Is that ever happened to you too?

Saya menemukan ketiga buku dari tahun 1950-an kemarin siang
saat menunggu teman di sebuah toko buku bekas langganan saya.
Yang satu novel picisan dari tahun 1955 dan satunya lagi adalah
komik dari tahun 1958. Keduanya kondisinya masih bagus sekali
dan saya baru sadar kalau saya selalu beruntung kalau memang
tidak sedang berniat untuk 'berburu'. 
Pernah mengalami hal yang sama?


Suzanna Scott said...

I know what you mean! I'm always tempted to stop in the 2nd hand shops to just "look". But, i always come out with something :) Love the rich yellow ocher color in the background of the first image.

vantiani said...

Hey, suzanna!
What a wonderful surprise!
I think that's true when they said that good things comes when you just least expecting it:)

Lora said...

thought about you today. i used one of your beautiful cards in a bridal shower gift. its the one of a bunch of the same indonesian stamp with a heart on it. love it!

vantiani said...

Oh Lora! What a perfect choice!
There is this Indonesian line on each stamp that said "Semoga Berbahagia" or "Wishing You Happiness" is our common wish for a wedding!

Hope you are well and inspired today, my friend!


Unknown said...

Wuuiih, precious finds! Langka niy mb...you're so lucky :)

vantiani said...

Iya alhamdulillah:)
Tapi kalo di Jakarta masih lumayan banyak tempat yang menjual buku buku bekas yang bagus bagus mbak Lia. Kalo ke Jakarta nanti aku kasi tau ya tempat tempatnya.

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