October 23, 2009

me and my etsy: two new goodies!

Allright, you have no idea how long I've been wanting
to make these two. Yes, I've made them before but
not with this collage pieces. An A4 vinyl pouch and gift
tags set!

And if you check them out at my shop you will see
how the details of these goodies are just so so good!
Have a wonderful weekend, peeps! Hugs!


Spacejams Vintage said...

glad you mae them!! look great...as all you items actually =))

vantiani said...

Thank you so much, Alex!

Nauli said...

Wow, really nice stuff!

vantiani said...

I think your stuff in your shop will be awesome too since I've seen only one so far and it's so cool:)

Thank you!

Bethany said...


I love those pouches!

vantiani said...

Thanks, Creative Cards!
And I've been really loving the inside lining fabric since I use a Rococco style vintage one! They are so perfect together.

Ariza said...

i want to buy your vinyl pouch! harus ke etsy kah???? can i order by email, please?

vantiani said...

Dear Icha,

Tentu bisa mengorder lewat email dan nanti langsung dikirim barangnya ke rumah. Harganya juga beda lho, jauh lebih murah;)

Email me ya!


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