October 22, 2009

me and giveaway: three small prints!

Isn't it a good time for a giveaway? Well, how about three
giveaways instead? Just by answering this question,
"If you are a craft tool, what will you be?" and each
winner will win one of these three small prints.

Me? I will definitely be a scissor, I guessed that's
obvious, right? Now, tell me yours and I will draw
the winners next Thursday!


Spacejams Vintage said...

I am first in line hehehe =))
I love your question - it made me smile really wide!
Well...let me think..if I would be a craft tool..I think I would want to be a needle...isn't is fun to be able to fix everything and to sew things together?! but if I would think longer...I would think of something else=)
Have a great day Ika

ArtsyCraftsy said...

I love this question, how neat!

I would definitely be a bottle of Elmers glue. Anything is possible with Elmer =]


Lora said...

i think i would be a seam ripper! I love this tool so much and I love that I can un-do the mistakes I've made and start over!
thanks, vantiani, for this chance to win some of your beautiful work!

katrina and the king said...

lol, I guess I would be a camera...does that count? ;)

mckenzie said...

I'd be a 'gentleman's dovetail saw'.

I. Widiastuti said...

i would be brain. no other tools are more powerful compared to our brain to make crafty things.
(does brain counts. Ika? hopefully :))

Michele P. said...

a bottle of glitter, full of shine and color-ready to make things beautiful by adding the finishing touches.

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Davita Photography & Other Stuff said...

If I were a craft tool, I'd be a knitting needle, because I'm sharp, shiny, dangerous but make beautiful things :)

felicia said...

If I were a craft tool I'd be a sewing machine! It's great for working with fabric, paper, plastic, leather...you name it!
I'd be a vintage sewing machine because I love recycling and reusing...which is probably part of the reason I am so drawn to your gorgeous wonderful collages! Vintage + recycled!
I love iT!

mirtextil said...

A loom naturally!!!
hank you Vantiani for telling me about this giveaway

suzeeez said...

I would be a glue stick! A really good one, for all of those last minute fixes when you thought everything was done. :o)

Mr Yen said...

I would definitely be a scalpel! there is no other craft tool i would be!

Unknown said...

Well, I would like to be a color pencil (but don't think that's a tool :P)

then, I would be a scissor instead. I love to cut things :)

have a good day Ika.

mentalembellisher said...

Hmmm, I would have to be a pair of tiny pliers. Very small but perfectly formed and able to perform magic with just a little squeeze...also I wouldn't be scared to stay a while in the flame with a little brass finding to help it change colour :-) Small and brave, ready to take risks for Art.


Anonymous said...

hmmm... i would be a carving tool..... woodcut forever :-D

Amariah said...

I would be a sharp pencil!

Becca said...

I would be a pair of needlenose pliers. LOL

Hollie May said...

I would be a marker pen. you can really write on anything, but you can't write WITH anything. a marker pen is my favourite tool and it can get out words or pictures, according to mood. very important for an artist!

Maggie said...

I'm a lightbox, for sure!

Courtney said...

I would be glue so that I could stay nice and close to all the things I loved.

Ariza said...

my right hand would be a scissor and my left hand surely be the glue stick :)

Unknown said...

i would be a craft pouch! a place to store my colorful threads and beautiful pattern cloths.

Fernanda Frick said...

I would be a pencil definatly, it's the only tool I'm not a disaster using hahaha (I'm an illustrator/animator, not a very crafty person hhahahaha!)

Mytutorlist.com said...

Hm... if I was a craft tool, I'd be scallop edging scissors. I just love how pretty the edges look afterward. It makes plain paper edges better! :D

Thanks for letting me enter your contest!

Adaptable Kay said...

I would definitely be a hot glue gun :D

Cause 1. I'm smokin hot(HA HA)
and 2. If I'm in the mood, I can either be nice or burn the heck out of your fingers. LMAO.

TheEclecticElement AT yahoo DOT com

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