September 27, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Allright, I will admit that I missed to take pictures
today because I went to so many wonderful
places with my new friends, Amelia and Hendra.
Under the extreme level of Jakarta's sun, we spent
all day shopping, eating and hang out. Such a
superb Sunday! Oh there will be a new stuff tomorrow
at the shop too and I'm really excited;)


Ariza said...

vantiani, i'm a very big fans of you! Sebenernya dari dulu aku crafty, tapi semenjak kerja jadi ga punya waktu yang diluangkan buat bikin2 barang, pas nemu blog ini, langsung terinspirasi bikin kolase kaya yang kamu bikin,, do visit my blog ya:
maap kalo masi ada yang temanya nyontek punyamu, karena masi coba2, hehe.

salam kenal ya? mohon bimbingannya :)

vantiani said...

Ichaaa! Oh my God! I'm soo flattered reading this! Senang sekali menemukan teman baru berkolase di Jakartaaa! Mari kita bertemu and spend all day cutting and gluiing! Yay!

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