September 28, 2009

me and collection: Indonesian book covers from 1960's

Thanks to my lover, I found tons of old books
during my last long holiday on the basement
of a mall not so far from our house. Yay!

The first book is about chicken farming,
the second one is a history on this nine Islamic
missionaries in Java Island, the third one is
about our family planning programm by the
Indonesian goverment and the fourth one
which also my favorite is how to make and
repairing your own transistor radio. Rad.


Spacejams Vintage said...

They are awesome!!

vantiani said...

Aren't they, Alex? I will show you more next week:) Glad you love them too!

Ariza said...

wuuuhhhh,,belinya dimana siiihhh???? kemaren sempet nyari di senen dan kayaknya buku2nya ga sebagus your collections..... huhhuhuhuhu,,,, boleh dong kapan2 diajak2,,,hehehe *ngarep*

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