September 16, 2009

me and environment : a recycle packaging

I always want to improve my packaging although I know that
I always doing that late and not good enough. But I love to try
new things out, I love the whole process and seeing if an idea
could meet my expectation or not. Just like this one.

These are made of paper scraps that I used to make my collages
with. Plus a sticker with my logo on it, it's definitely do the job
at the moment. And one more thing, those pouches turned out
to sell really well lately. Woot!


Spacejams Vintage said...

I love your packaging..looks really great!

I. Widiastuti said...

wah, dapet slop rokok banyak banget ya Ika...good idea. oh iya btw, aku naksir stamp-mu yang "jangan dilipat". itu bikin di tukang stempel biasa bisa ya?

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