1. keep preparing the opening of the craft shop with the girls.
2. totally cleaning out the house.
3. totally rearrange the zine distro.
4. having a small out of town holiday travel with the punk boy.
5. wrapping christmas presents (i know it's way too late already).
6. preparing new year's craft exchange present with the girls.
7. trying to continue writing that book on copywriting.
8. visit my parents and my little sister.
9. making more stuff for my etsy next year.
10. a really good relaxing holiday without having to spend
too much money like I used to.
11. preparing a new series to be exhibit on February.
12. preparing a new series to be exhibit on April.
13. preparing a new series to be exhibit on June.
well, it doesn't sound like a relaxing holiday after all.
isn't it? lol.