"I'm most excited about making things everyday, without really worrying if they'll ever sell or fit into some show...I need to work out ideas, regardless of whether they are 'for' something. My main concern is that time is always running out." - Bill Dunlap
Welcome home!!!! Sounds like it was quite the adventure. :) xo Pam
Yes, it's one of the most mindblowing adventure in my life indeed! Thank you so much! Hugs!
selamat datang kembaliiii!! :D wah ditunggu ceritanya ^^
Ika, ternyata temennya Arie yah? yaoloh dunia sempit sekali hahahah
Iya keciiil sekali ya!
Minggu depan ketemuan di Kedai yuk
waaaa mau2 kalo sempet minggu depan aku mampir deh ^^ blm pernah ke kedai nih...hore horee :D
thank you Ikaaaa :D
yuuhuuuuu ikaaaa...selamat datang...:) nanti kita berbagi cerita ya! aku kemarin juga habis mengunjungi sebuah tempat yang bikin damai di hati.
dindiee! ayoo ketemuan ayoo! yay!
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