"I'm most excited about making things everyday, without really worrying if they'll ever sell or fit into some show...I need to work out ideas, regardless of whether they are 'for' something. My main concern is that time is always running out." - Bill Dunlap
These cakes look super yummy :)
Eh btw, ini Ika Vantiani yang punya kedai kah? waaaa aku sering denger dari temenkuuu...huehehe fans berat collage2 nya Ika nih gw ^^
Hey, cecilia!
Bukan, aku bukan yang punya Kedai.
Yang punya Kedai, Tika namanya.
Let's meet up sometime dan bikin bikin yuk di kedai! I make collages and you draw...ain't that would be awesome?;)
owww ic ic...wah mau mau mau!!! seru sepertinya :D kabar-kabari yaahh ^^
panggil cecil aja...hehehe..waah i'm so glad i stumbled upon your blog :D
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