October 8, 2009

me and collection: vintage science book

This book is another find at the second hand book
basement shops that my lover showed me last month.
It costs me a dollar and look at these pages! And to
know that it's a children science book oh gardening
from 1975 just make me feel so lucky to find it. Woot!

Helen Borten apparently is a well known illustrator
that has such a distinctive style like this. I've checked
some of her other books and they all just gorgeous!
Hmm...maybe I should start to collect them..:)


Spacejams Vintage said...

Great find!! like your new book =)

vantiani said...

Thank you Alex!
I'm so happy that we have the same passion on things like this:)


Ariza said...

desperately want to know where the 2nd hand bookshop is :), sukaaaa semua buku2nya!

vantiani said...

Di basement Blok M Square, cha!
Mari kita hunting bersama! Yuk!

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