I have to go to the office today (Boo!), but I feel so excited to share you these..my collage pouches! Made of vinyl that I print my collages on with matching bandana color fabric as the lining. Sweet!
"I'm most excited about making things everyday, without really worrying if they'll ever sell or fit into some show...I need to work out ideas, regardless of whether they are 'for' something. My main concern is that time is always running out." - Bill Dunlap
waduh cakep-cakep sekali! aku mesen satu ya ika
i like the pouches.. did u make them urself? :D
These are wonderful!
Shali, aku sudah mendrop beberapa di Bikin Barang kemaren sore:D
noomiedoodlefashion, I didn't sew them myself but I did order the printing and shopped for the bandanas myself:D
Thank you so much, Milly! Hugs!
These are awesome, I'm going to check out your etsy shop!
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