anyone ever ever come close to intimidating persuading,
etc me into thinking otherwise. I wear you on my sleeve.
I spread you out wide open with the wing span of a peacock,
yet all too often with attention span of a bullet to the head.
I think its pathetic that entire world looks upon a person
with patience and a calm demeanor as the desired model citizen.
Yet there's something to be said about the ability to explain
oneself with a toned down, tune deaf tone. And I will say it:
I am what they call the boy who is slow. How I
metamorphosised from hyperactive to cement is for lack
of a better knife to the throat uh, annoying, aggrevating,
confusing as dense as cement. Cement holds no other minerals.
You can't even find fools gold in it. Its strictly man made and
you have taught me it's ok to be a man and in the classic
mans world I parade you around proudly like the ring on
my finger which also holds no mineral. Love kurt
I've never read that before. It gives me a little look inside his head, which is why I love journals, too. And blogs...! :)
Oh Pam, his journal is really really awesome.
And I'm so agree with you that reading blog is also great and addicting;)
wow, i've never seen kurt like this before.
Oh dindie, you have no idea!
His thought on art, parents, and everything in life in this journal is just so mind blowingly gorgeous and tense:)
i would like to read it too. where did yo get it?
Kinokuniya, but Aksara still has it if I'm not mistaken;)
aku sudah punyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....iya journal ini bagus banget ya ika...:)
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