Can you imagined my excitement finding this book in between
piles of other books in a second hand bookshop that I used to
visit on weekend. Its amazing illustration on the cover instantly
swoon me. But apart from its illustrations, there are many other
beautiful things about this book when I read it later on.
Tara Heinemann aka Kit Williams making this book in three years
from the picture and the story. There is a hidden riddle inside the
story to find a prize, which is a golden hare adorned with precious
stones and faience. This extraordinary jewel made by Kit Williams
himself out of 18-carat-gold, lies buried in a ceramic container.
The jewel will belong to whoever discovers its hiding place.
Solutions to the riddle can be sent to Kit Williams c/0 Schocken
Books. Kit Williams will send, at his expense, an airline ticket to
England to the person who solves the riddle. Now, this book is
made in 1979 and published in 1980...shouldn't be any winner
by now do you think? Hmm...what a storybook, right? I'm so glad
I find it. Yay!