Dear Sweetie Pie Press,
I'm still wondering about that whole envelope that I sent
you for that security envelope button project of yours.
I certainly wish they arrived safe and sound so that you
will have fun with them, but apart from that I would like
to tell you how happy I was to found your blog,
You have so many awesome finger power project with
or without your friends that really takes this whole DIY
culture in so many interesting level to me, a zinester
from Jakarta. I certainly envy your plastic bag yarn project
and those awesome buttons. I wish we could trade zines
but mine is in Indonesian language. I really am glad to read
that the craft bazzar that you organized turned out to be
a huge success, somehow it reminds me of my own
experiences organizing a gig or a workshop here.
I think I should stop writing now. I think I will keep them
for my handwritten letter to you. Hopefully someday we
will be able to have a big glass of iced cappucino together
and chat while you knit and I make collages.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for being you,
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