February 23, 2009

(Definitely not) A Sunny Sunday

i have been all alone in the shop all day today. it felt really
peaceful yet very cold because of the rain outside. but later
on i met bunch of good friends from australia and we had
awesome dinner with the boys. such a good yet tiring
sunday. and yours?

ps: i made a new batch of cards for my etsy too. yay!


Anonymous said...

Though is tiring to meet up with friends, but I always think is well worth it! The quality time, and most importantly the conversations carried out. I spent my Sundays with my family, and watched the Slumdog Millionaire preview! Absolutely great film to watch, top dog film!

Unknown said...

that's one f my favorite things to do...be alone in my sewing room doing what i do. and yeah, after doing that it's always fun to get out for some fun. (don't do enough of the later!)

love that quote on the right by bill dunlap. i can certainly relate.

Kartika Jahja said...

ih kerennya fotonya

vantiani said...

Oh hello ladies! Such a wonderful surprise to read all these when I open my blog today:)

*Glitzer, I'm going to watch that film too this week. Finger crossed with my busyness lately:D

* fly tie, that quote is so right with many people I believe and actually I wish I did some sewing too last weekend:)

* tika! welcome back! see you at the shop ya! hugs!

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